May 2, 2016
In April WILDCOAST brought friends and supporters to the Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park, one of the world’s most successful marine protected areas and a cornerstone for wildlife and ecosystems in the Sea of Cortez, to see our conservation work in action.
The group got to wiggle their toes in the region’s white sand beaches, dive a reef teeming with life, and experience the hospitality of the warm-hearted local people.
“At WILDCOAST we are very proud of all the victories that we have earned thanks to our efforts with the National Park and our partners. Our work includes the collection of biodata, the creation of better infrastructure to conserve sea turtles, educational signage, and the constant monitoring for potentially destructive development proposals for the region” said Sofia Gomez, WILDCOAST’s on-site program coordinator.
“We wanted to show all of these activities and our accomplishments to our friends and supporters, as well as to new people that may be inspired to invest their resources in the conservation of this beautiful place. We wanted to introduce them to the wonderful people of Cabo Pulmo, people who changed their livelihoods 20 years ago when they went from fishing to ecotourism. Their actions have been an inspiration for the rest of the world.”
WILDCOAST would like to thank the wonderful community of Cabo Pulmo for their hospitality and commitment to working with WILDCOAST, as well as our supporters for their help in conserving our coast and ocean.
Stay tuned for more opportunities to visit our conservation sites with the WILDCOAST team!
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