August 9, 2017
Calling All San Diego County Residents, Stand Up for Water Quality and Working Families!
For decades, South San Diego beaches have been pummeled by cross-border sewage infested pollution, causing hard working families and children to get sick from playing in dirty water. For many, the beach is one of very few free recreational opportunities available.
For years, federal agencies like the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) has stood by and done next to nothing. Meanwhile, the problem keeps getting worse and kids keep getting sick. The City of Imperial Beach, California has had enough and they are taking legal action against International Boundary and Water Commission. We need the rest of San Diego County’s cities to come together in support of working families and we need YOU to help get them on board.
CALL your Port Commissioner and County Supervisor and demand they join the fight for clean water. Ask them to join City of IB’s lawsuit!
Sample talking points:
“Hi my name is ________, I live in San Diego County, I’d like to ask the Port Commissioner to join City of IB’s lawsuit against IBWC, thank you for your time.”
“Hi my name is ________, I live in San Diego County, I’d like to ask the County Supervisor to join City of IB’s lawsuit against IBWC, thank you for your time.”
Port Commissioner Robert Valderrama 619-686-7296
County Board of Supervisors
District 1 Supervisor Cox: 619.531.5511
District 2 Supervisor Jacobs 619.531.5522
District 3 Supervisor Gaspar 619.531.5533
District 4 Supervisor Roberts 619.531.5544
District 5 Supervisor Horn 858.694.3900
To learn more about this ongoing issue, check out this latest news story:…/millions-gallons-mexican-waste-thr…
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