
In February of this year, WILDCOAST launched the “Conservation of Coastal Ecosystems in Baja California” project to promote the conservation of the region’s natural resources through environmental awareness and education. A colorful component of this project is a series of urban murals, thanks to the support of the IEnova Foundation.

In Ensenada, we decided to replicate the successful work we had accomplished in other communities in Mexico, such as Bahía Magdalena, Isla Margarita in Baja California Sur, and Bahías Huatulco in Oaxaca. In these communities, we painted murals of beautiful ecosystems and species of flora and fauna. These aesthetically pleasing murals made local inhabitants aware of the beauty of their natural environment and the importance of conserving it.

Urban murals use a variety of techniques and resources to beautify the urban landscape and transmit ideas. These murals convey a positive message that inspires locals to feel proud of their regional biodiversity, and hopefully a desire to conserve it. 

We are very thankful for the participation of talented local artists such as Esther Gámez, Reyna Nájera and Efrén de la Cruz, who have collectively painted three urban murals that cover 3,450 square feet of the city of Ensenada. In August 2020, another two murals will be completed, and together, these five artistic works will reach 50,000 people in the city. This will be the beginning of an artistic corridor that will include future projects in the spirit of urban beautification and conservation.